Training for Practitioners

Training for


For the last 20 years, we have been developing evidence based resources to support you in your work with children, families, adults and older adults.

We are passionate about improving emotional health and wellbeing through relationships from conception onwards. There is a vast literature about the effectiveness of this, and we contribute our own research too.

We provide training and online courses for professionals.

We train facilitators for our groups for parents (antenatal, postnatal and up to age 19 years) and provide online courses for parents.

Our resources are used in a wide range of environments both in the UK and internationally. For example, with foster carers, firefighters, Secure Units for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Residential Homes for children etc.

Trainings and Resources

Solihull Approach Foundation Training

The heart of it all. The 2 Day Foundation Training. Learn about the Solihull Approach model and apply it to practice.

Parenting Group Facilitator Training

You can learn to facilitate our range of face to face groups for parents and foster carers: the 5 session antenatal course,  the 6 session postnatal course, the 8 session postnatal Plus course, the 10 session course for all parents of children aged 6 months to 18 years, the 10 session courses for parents of children with disabilities or ASD, the 10 session course for adoptive parents, the 12 session course for foster carers.

Solihull Approach Advanced Training

Understanding trauma, Understanding attachment, Understanding brain development. Complete all three after your 2 Day Foundation Training and apply for Advanced Trained Practitioner status.

Resource Packs and Manuals

Resource packs are designed as a distance learning resource, with case studies and reflective questions to support moving theory to practice. They include and build on the information from the 2 Day Foundation Training.

Where to next?

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