


Many dads have joined face to face ‘Understanding your child’s behaviour’ courses. 

Some courses are run especially for dads.

Dads have told us that they valued the experience of having attended the course and they have really enjoyed them.

Dads also enjoy the online courses at inourplace.

Fathers are included throughout the antenatal course ‘Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby’ and the course for parents ‘Understanding your child’. Because the courses are online, they can be accessed anytime and anyplace. 

“A Fathers’ involvement in parenting has positive outcomes for children, particularly in psychological and social development.

A research paper has been published on the experience of men in a Solihull Approach parenting group. Dolan, Alan. (2013) ‘I’ve Learnt What a Dad Should Do’: The Interaction of Masculine and Fathering Identities among Men Who Attended a ‘Dads Only’ Parenting Programme. Sociology, 48 (4) 812-828 

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