During the COVID-19 pandemic, the advice for pregnant women is to be especially careful about social contact. This guidance makes it impossible to attend an antenatal class. But we have an alternative.
The Solihull Approach online antenatal course has the same content as the antenatal class. It is written by midwives, health visitors and clinical psychologists. There are videos and quizzes. You can be confident that you are learning the key info about pregnancy, labour and birth. You are getting ready to meet your baby.
This course is for pregnant mums, fathers, partners, grandparents and anyone else involved with the baby.
During COVID-19 restrictions, you/the women you support (and their supporters), can access for FREE ‘Understanding your pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby’ in English, Welsh, Urdu, or a version for women couples.
If you are visiting this page from outside the UK, you may purchase the course at www.inourplace.co.uk for £19.