<  Click here to book Solihull Approach training. An exciting, well-established model that really works!

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We're all about emotional health and wellbeing!

Across the UK and internationally, the Solihull Approach supports mental health and wellbeing in parents, children, schools, older adults and high stress workplaces through an evidence based model in trainings, online courses and resources.

What is exquisite about the Solihull Approach is that it offers a way of thinking that can be applied to clinical (and life) problems at any developmental stage and any level of complexity. Sometimes, the more complex the problem, the more relevant this way of working seems. And somehow, almost 'magically', something shifts in the clinician's and in the family's minds and things become less overwhelming, can be thought about and then worked through.

A Psychiatrist

I feel this course was excellent. Not only from a workplace point of view but also from my own personal and family outlook.

A Practitioner

'Solihull Approach training should be standard for all teachers, support staff and early years practitioners.' This is a statement I regularly hear when delivering Solihull Approach training to education staff and the reason being...is because it works!

Training Programme Coordinator

This (training) is life-changing for me and will be for those I work with.

A Manager

The Solihull Approach training opened a window to a whole new world for me and a way of viewing that world. I have been involved in work with young people for over 30 years and it changed the way that I engage not just with young people but colleagues and family.

Fire Service Youth Engagement Officer

We have a better relationship – Everything has changed!

A Parent

When I was properly introduced to the Solihull Approach I definitely experienced that 'light bulb' moment. I think it is important to recognise that the Solihull Approach is more than just another series of parenting programmes; it is more holistic and should be applied through all areas of work.

Children's Centre Lead

As we neared the last few remaining weeks of the group, the dads said that they were gutted that the course was almost finished and didn't want it to end.

A Prison Officer

I listen more to them and let them tell me what they have been doing in their own time so that they don't think I am bossing them about. That is just one change I have made out of a lot of changes. I would say that all the changes have been for the best. The Solihull Approach has made a great difference to my life and my family's.

Dad in Prison

    About the Solihull Approach

    On what services we have to offer

    Order Resources

    Resource Packs

    Resource Packs are designed as a distance learning resource, with case studies and reflective questions to support moving theory to practice.

    Facilitators' Manuals

    These Manuals will enable you to facilitate a Solihull Approach group for parents or foster carers.

    Trainers' Manuals

    These Manuals will enable you to deliver the 2 Day Foundation Training to train practitioners in the Solihull Approach model.

    Online Courses for Professionals

    The courses are written by CAMHS professionals with other health and education workers. They are evidence based and accredited by the DfE.

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    Population coverage for parents and practitioners

    We offer Multi User Licences that give your population access to our online courses.

    For more details about our Multi User Licences


    Face to Face Groups

    RCT on 'Understanding your child's behaviour'. Face to face groups showed highly statistically significant results on the positive impact on closeness in the parent-child relationship and parental stress.

    Whole School Training

    Six months after the Solihull Approach Whole School training, teachers in 'School A' showed a statistically significant increase in satisfaction with their helping role, self-esteem, and teacher efficacy scores, as well as a decrease in feeling burnt out/stressed.

    Online Antenatal Course

    Participants in the online antenatal course showed a reduction in anxiety towards pregnancy and birth (p=<.0001), felt closer to the baby (p=<.0001), and showed increased intention to breastfeed (p=<.001) after completing the online course.

    One to One Work

    A significant decrease in distress and parental perception of child difficulty and a reduction in overall stress levels.

    Foster Carers

    After the group, there were significant increases in foster carers’ ratings of their understanding of their children’s difficulties; their understanding of why foster children behaved the way they did; their feeling of having the required skills to manage difficulties; alongside significant decreases in their ratings of foster children’s hyperactivity and attentional behaviour difficulties.

    Peer Breastfeeding

    Peer Breastfeeding Supporter Training: several benefits were highlighted when incorporating the Solihull Approach into peer professionals’ practice, including increased confidence levels and improved team communication, as well as positive outcomes for their personal lives.

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